Alessio Liscia tops Day1 A
Entries 207 / Left 48 It was an exciting day at the Perla Resort for Day 1 A of the ReMida Poker Team. The discounted buy-in, from €250...
Alessio Liscia tops Day1 A
🤴 Remida Deep crowns Masuzzo, Marzagalli and Dozzo the 🤴🏼 princes of Side Event
🔚 Last flight finished too. 👑 Remida ready to be crowned
👑 Remida Deep Day 1C : trident all 🇮🇹 Italian led by Scermino
Day1B: 🎣 Federici takes everything, big stack also for 🐾 Zamperetti
👑 Remida Day1A: 🚀 Start at 200 Mph, 🇮🇹 Sustersich in the undisputed lead from the begin
Scarpa shines at the Grand Final after a 4-way deal
Scarpa bags big, 103 made it to the Final Day
Pezzotti dominates Day1H, 36 to Day2
♣️ Euro Rounders
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